Connecting Schools of Prophets: 

Building Literacy for Radical Discipleship

Bartimaeus Kinsler Institute 2022

Registration is Closed

This year we have four levels of registration available. Please select the one that best matches you.

US$30.00 - Scholarship (Unemployed, full-time student, fixed income/pension)

US$70.00 - Standard (Individual/household – up to 3 adults in one location)

US$110.00 - Sponsor (Pay for one household + sponsor one other person )

US$175.00 - Group (4 to 10 Adults participating from one venue/location/screen - please register all participants separately, identify the group you are registering with, and make one payment)

For groups larger than 10 people please email us for pricing.

Please Note: Group registrations will have less capacity than individuals or households to interact with the intended break-out and mingle rooms (due to only one Zoom link). Groups of individuals who each wish to participate fully should each register at the Standard Rate.

For PAYMENTS - scroll DOWN

Scholarship Fund - If you would like to help someone else attend the BKI2022 or help us to bring the BKI to you at such low prices!... you can donate to the the scholarship fund in two ways:

1. Register as a sponsor ($110) - your donation makes up the full price for one scholarship participant

2. Make an additional donation and add it to your payment (space is provided on the registration forms).

As always, any questions, please feel free to email us

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Registration and Payments

To register, please fill in one registration per person participating

Online (Google Form) Registration  |   Mail-in Registration (PDF)

Standard registration closed February 11th, 2022.


Credit/Debit Card or PayPal click HERE (takes you to PayPal in a new window or the button below)

Payment via Check please make payable to Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries (U.S. funds only); mail with registration form (or email us to let us know a check is coming) to:

BCM, P.O. Box 328, Oak View, CA 93022. 

Your registration is only confirmed upon receipt of your full payment and completed registration form.

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Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries strives to be as inclusive as we can. While we face some limitations based on our own technical capacity, however, we will endeavor to meet your needs. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with at inquiries@bcm-net.org.